
Annette Cody headshot

Guidance and support when faced with a diagnosis that threatens your life

Being mortal, we are all susceptible to death

I offer a supportive space for you to explore issues around illness, death, dying and advanced disease

I can help you navigate the dying process with ease and grace

At the end of the day will you be prepared

Perhaps you face the challenge of a significant diagnosis or have a life-limiting disease. You might be wondering

  • What matters most, now? For the future?
  • ​How do you prepare for what lies ahead?
  • As your assumptions about your future health change, how can you process your feelings, your losses, concerns and regrets?
  • How are you making meaning of your life? Of your illness?
  • What can you expect during the disease process?
  • How can you manage other peoples’ reactions?
  • What are you leaving behind?

Maybe you want to explore your questions and concerns about dying

  • What is death?
  • Who or what dies?
  • How do I manage my fear of death?
  • How can I talk about death with my loved ones?

Imagine you had a year to live

  • What is still unfulfilled in your life?
  • What are the loose ends that you want to tie up, such as incomplete projects?
  • Are there people that you want to connect with? Someone you want to forgive?
  • Is there anything that you could attend to now, that you might regret not doing, later?
  • What would you like to leave behind? Or not leave behind?

As a death and dying coach, I offer to support you to navigate these questions and much more

Annette Cody

My name is Claire


I have an extensive background in supporting dying people and offer a supportive environment to explore issues around advanced disease, dying and death.

Working as a hospice nurse for over twenty years, I have gained vast and varied insights into the dying process.

I have experience with three different community based NGOs that each specialised in specific diseases. My work focused on supporting people to live as well as they were able, while managing significant threats to their health or life.

I have a Diploma in Psychosynthesis Counselling. I worked as a counsellor in private practice for five years, supporting people to manage their disease process, dying or bereavement.

At a personal level, I have always been fascinated by who and what we are, before we are born and after we die. The great mystery! Despite the grittiness, the messy unpredictability and grief of death, there are often still times of grace. There can be healing and wellness … and new possibilities.

When I first sat with a dying woman who could see and talk with people that I could not see – I was intrigued. This motivated me to do Masters of Health Science in Palliative Care and write my dissertation on Deathbed Visions.


My approach is one of gentle inquiry.

I see my role as being with you, as you navigate this time in your life, not telling you what to do, but together, we will explore the questions and concerns that are arising for you.

In our sessions, I want you to find your truth.

Together we can explore whatever is arising for you to gain increasing clarity, understanding and freedom around disease, death and dying.

From this place of greater understanding, you will be more able to make choices that are right for you.

I offer a range of services to support you with advancing disease or the dying process

  • Individual coaching session via zoom

In our individual sessions we will explore the questions and concerns that are arising for you. We will work together to increase your understanding and freedom around this time in your life. We can discern what matters most to you now and prioritize some actions.

  • Personalised support visit

Your situation may be such that you prefer that I come to you, to have a session in person. These visits are an opportunity for you to receive support and guidance, in your own home. This can be negotiated.

  • Presentations to community groups

I offer workshops and presentations on various aspects of death and dying. These can be tailored to the needs of your organization or group.


An example of topics that could be covered include

  • ​Introduction to dying and death
  • Exploring our relationship with death
  • Making end-of-life decisions
  • Supporting a dying loved one


Please contact me to discuss your specific needs

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